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  • Unit °­Àdz»¿ë(ÁÖÁ¦) ºÐ·®
    1 Day 01 What Is Your Hobby? 14ºÐ
    2 Day 02 Which Club Will You Join? 14ºÐ
    3 Day 03 What Is Your Favorite Season? 14ºÐ
    4 Day 04 What Is the Best Invention in the World? Why? 14ºÐ
    5 Day 05 What Kind of Friend Do You Want? Why? 13ºÐ
    6 Day 06 What Good Things Do People Say About You? 11ºÐ
    7 Day 07 What Is Your Favorite Book? 15ºÐ
    8 Day 08 What Can We Do to Save the Earth? 13ºÐ
    9 Day 09 What Subjects Do You Like? Why? 15ºÐ
    10 Day 10 What Are You Going to Do This Summer Vacation? 15ºÐ
    11 Day 11 Do You Want to Go to Any Other Countries? What Are They? Why? 12ºÐ
    12 Day 12 What Traditional Things Are In Your Country? 12ºÐ
    13 Day 13 What Upsets You the Most? 13ºÐ
    14 Day 14 What Job Would You Like to Have In the Future? 14ºÐ
    15 Day 15 What Is Your Favorite Movie? 14ºÐ
    16 Day 16 What Do You Think About Plastic Surgery? 12ºÐ
    1 Day 01 Who is your special friend? 13ºÐ
    2 Day 02 What is your dream? How are you trying to achieve it? 14ºÐ
    3 Day 03 What is your motto? 15ºÐ
    4 Day 04 What is the recipe of your favorite food? 15ºÐ
    5 Day 05 What is your talent? 12ºÐ
    6 Day 06 What do you do in your free time? 13ºÐ
    7 Day 07 What would you do if you only had one day to live? 12ºÐ
    8 Day 08 What do you want to tell your friend about Korea? 12ºÐ
    9 Day 09 What is your plan for this year? 15ºÐ
    10 Day 10 How do you relieve stress? 13ºÐ
    11 Day 11 Who is a historical figure you respected? why?Why? 16ºÐ
    12 Day 12 What is the most impressive advertisement you have ever seen? 13ºÐ
    13 Day 13 Talk about a special experience you once had. 12ºÐ
    14 Day 14 What are you the most excited about? Why do you feel happy? 12ºÐ
    15 Day 15 Do you have a role model? Why is that person your role model? 15ºÐ
    16 Day 16 Talk about the positive or negative effects of mobile phones. 13ºÐ
  • ÇÑÁÙÆò º°Á¡ ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ